Reaching out for the sake of our children, our religion and our culture
We are located in Las Vegas, Nevada, quite far away from the big cities with large Sikh populations. We are a small community of about hundred families. We are in the process of expanding our existing small Gurdwara to a bigger Gurdwara at a new location - convenient for tourists and locals.
It will be a place of worship for us, and all those who come after us, especially our future generations in America - our children. A larger Gurdwara in Las Vegas will also serve as a place of worship for all Sikhs visiting the city of entertainment.
We are regular folks dreaming the American dream and yet desiring to continue the religious and cultural traditions of our ancestors. Working hard as teachers, doctors, engineers, businessmen, and other types of professionals, we are chipping in our limited resources for the Gurdwara expansion. Therefore, we turn to you for monetary help, for your generous contribution.
Perhaps you know what a larger Gurdwara would mean to the Sikh community in Las Vegas, particularly to the Sikh children and their children. In the name of our heritage, in the name of Waheguru, if you can, please contribute what you can.
May Waheguru's blessings be upon you and your family!
Gurdwara Baba Deep Singh
6341 W. Lone Mountain Road,
Las Vegas, NV 89130